Master player: The book writrten by Clark's first husband Gaby Horowitz See OJ Simpson news on nude photos of Marcia Clark sold during trial.OJ Simpson depicted the moment Clark learned about the nude photos in Tuesday's episode 'It didn't bother me as much on a personal level as it did professionally,' Clark said of the publication of the photos.Horowitz's mother later said she did not think it was a big deal because Clark was on a European beach and with her husband.The photos were sold by Horowitz's mother Clara.Tropez with her first husband Gaby Horowitz Taken in the late Seventies, the photos showed Clark topless on a beach in St.Nude photos of Marcia Clark were sold to The National Enquirer five months into the OJ Simpson trial in February 1995.Marcia Clark's nude photos humiliation: How naked pictures showing OJ Simpson prosecutor topless were sold by her first husband's mother in the middle of the trial